international trainers

Filtering by: international trainers

ONLINE: Advanced Self hypnosis workshop
9:00 AM09:00

ONLINE: Advanced Self hypnosis workshop

Simpson Protocol Advanced Self-hypnosis workshop

Hosted Live online by both Lance Baker and Ines Simpson

This workshop is for:

Those who want to increase their experience and outcomes with Self Hypnosis

Those who have never used Self Hypnosis - but want to learn

Now you can use your own Self Hypnosis, anytime, anywhere, for Stress, Anxiety, Insomnia, Physical, Mental, Spiritual Outcomes.

Anything attached to the Mind And everything is attached to the Mind Learn to use your own 'Super' Power

This is a LIVE ONLINE interactive workshop to teach you to everything you need to know to be able to do your own Deep State Self Hypnosis, simply and easily, anywhere, anytime – whether you have years of experience with Hypnosis, or have never been in formal hypnosis

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Bob Burns and the Swan Zoom Class
to Jul 9

Bob Burns and the Swan Zoom Class

A Two Day Online Workshop with Bob Burns

Bob’s work is inspirational, experimental and practical – all at the same time – a feat not many people manage. In these packed two days, Bob will share content covering hypnosis, the Swan protocol and some other areas covering the exploration of consciousness that he has not shared very often until recently.

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Live Online Training of the Simpson Protocol
to Jul 3

Live Online Training of the Simpson Protocol

this is done Live over the internet – in real-time – practice demos everything- just as in actual feet on the ground class. And you have the benefit of doing it from the comfort of your own home – comfy chairs – feel free to raid your kitchen in the breaks – and slippers are of course – optional And by the mere fact of learning together in a group LIVE online – you learn how to do online sessions with clients. You will find online is a very simple process and yet I have found over the last 2 years – typically I get better outcomes online than in my chair Live. We will discuss in the course

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Live Online Training of the Simpson Protocol
to Sep 19

Live Online Training of the Simpson Protocol

this is done Live over the internet – in real-time – practice demos everything- just as in actual feet on the ground class. And you have the benefit of doing it from the comfort of your own home – comfy chairs – feel free to raid your kitchen in the breaks – and slippers are of course – optional And by the mere fact of learning together in a group LIVE online – you learn how to do online sessions with clients. You will find online is a very simple process and yet I have found over the last 2 years – typically I get better outcomes online than in my chair Live. We will discuss in the course

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Live Online Training with Simpson Protocol
to Mar 28

Live Online Training with Simpson Protocol

  • Google Calendar ICS

this is done Live over the internet – in real-time – practice demos everything- just as in actual feet on the ground class. And you have the benefit of doing it from the comfort of your own home – comfy chairs – feel free to raid your kitchen in the breaks – and slippers are of course – optional And by the mere fact of learning together in a group LIVE online – you learn how to do online sessions with clients. You will find online is a very simple process and yet I have found over the last 2 years – typically I get better outcomes online than in my chair Live. We will discuss in the course

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Live Online Training with Simpson Protocol
to Nov 30

Live Online Training with Simpson Protocol

  • Google Calendar ICS

this is done Live over the internet – in real-time – practice demos everything- just as in actual feet on the ground class. And you have the benefit of doing it from the comfort of your own home – comfy chairs – feel free to raid your kitchen in the breaks – and slippers are of course – optional And by the mere fact of learning together in a group LIVE online – you learn how to do online sessions with clients. You will find online is a very simple process and yet I have found over the last 2 years – typically I get better outcomes online than in my chair Live. We will discuss in the course

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Dave Elman Hypnotherapy Book Club
to Dec 5

Dave Elman Hypnotherapy Book Club

Often referred to as “The hypnosis” book, many hypnotists fav hypno book, many hypnotists build their practice and skill JUST from this book. This is a not to be missed event! Join Dave’s Son and Daughter in-law and a group of other hypnotists for a book club to study this piece of work, Many great guest speakers to join in too.

Each week this product expands with new recordings of Cheryl and Larry Elman and the class discussion from our live Zoom Elman Book Study Course. Each week will include approximately 2 chapters lecture and discussion and include an overall study guide, Recordings of Dave Elman teaching the physicians and dentists Medical Hypnosis in the 1950-1960s. It will include additional videos, audios, articles, and multiple other resources to create the community. The original course offered:

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Bob Burns and the Swan Zoom Class
to Aug 23

Bob Burns and the Swan Zoom Class

  • Google Calendar ICS

Bob Burns and the Swan Zoom Class

Saturday 22nd August and Sunday 23rd August, 4pm to 8pm Perth, Western Australia time on both days

6pm to 10pm Eastern Australia Time.

Two day (approx. 4 hours per day) training via Zoom

AUD $350 for both days

Each Participant will receive a special discount price on Bob’s “The Swan” and “The Swan Talks”.


The Perfect Consultation – Bob’s template for each session which he calls The Wall.

THIS is the work that gives Bob the reputation as one of the best active therapists in the world.

You will possess the full and complete knowledge of its power, AND be shown how to deliver it in a full consultation.

The Swan – Bob has developed his unique and effective Swan protocol which is used by therapists in more than 85 countries across the globe.
This is a way of making instant contact with ‘a part within the subconscious’ in a fully wakened state without hypnosis, as well as being a perfect complement to any hypnosis session. This is an effective technique for change with clients as well as for yourself.

Two Bad Boys--Bob’s formulas for handling any given challenge by any member of the public in either the therapy room, street, group presentation or impromptu situation with both his FIVE POINT REBUTTAL FORMULA and DAGA

The Corporate Group Presentation… A fail-safe way of demonstrating hypnosis in a group setting. And of course a full presentation in how to present to a group in order to gain referrals and personal recommendations.

Doctors referrals. The exact approach and wording that Bob uses to get doctors referrals.

The Colour Protocol which he uses when working with sports people and those wanting to improve performance. Here Bob will share how he works with golfers, darts and snooker world champions, fighters, athletes etc.

Smoking Cessation. Here Bob will save you a four figure sum in going off on highly expensive courses… by learning the main yet simple truths of how to stop people from smoking cigarettes, explaining his highly poignant ‘death bed scene’ to the full!
Here’s Bob:
“To be a good therapist you have to have principles. To be a GREAT therapist you have to throw certain principles in the bin and save the clients’ lives!”

The Magic Garden. (Devised from Bob’s Spiritual background back in the 70’s).
For the client stricken with grief and/or seeking that contact with a loved one. No, it’s not for all, but it is for many.

The most important therapy questions answered.

  1. Do I NEED to talk to the Subconscious

  2. If I fix them will they stay fixed

  3. Do they need to be in hypnosis for me to help them

  4. Do scripts work (one of the biggest arguments in hypnotherapy)

  5. Do I need to do phenomena in the therapy room

  6. Is it true that a somnambulists (someone who enters hypnosis easily) gets fixed better than a non-somnambulist

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Live Online Training with Simpson Protocol
to May 25

Live Online Training with Simpson Protocol

this is done Live over the internet – in real-time – practice demos everything- just as in actual feet on the ground class. And you have the benefit of doing it from the comfort of your own home – comfy chairs – feel free to raid your kitchen in the breaks – and slippers are of course – optional And by the mere fact of learning together in a group LIVE online – you learn how to do online sessions with clients. You will find online is a very simple process and yet I have found over the last 2 years – typically I get better outcomes online than in my chair Live. We will discuss in the course

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Jeffrey Stephens Protocol Hypnosis Training by Rob De Groof
to Mar 22

Jeffrey Stephens Protocol Hypnosis Training by Rob De Groof

  • merewether wellness centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Jeffrey's exclusive ten-step process for creating rapid, positive change in as little as 20 minutes or less.

A tested, proven and easy-to-learn system

Jeff's Incredible Proprietary 10-Step Hypnosis Method.
Jeff's Special Hypnosis Nuances, Techniques and Approaches.
Jeff's Hypnotic Installations For Confidence, Learning and More.
Jeff's Approach To Creating Lasting Positive Change In Others.
Personalized Hypnosis Instruction, Guidance and Assistance.

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Out of the Blue Hypnosis Training - Rob De Groof
to Mar 15

Out of the Blue Hypnosis Training - Rob De Groof

  • Merewether Wellness Centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Learn how to hypnotize anyone, anywhere, under any circumstances from one of Europe's best hypnotists.
Hands-on course
From basic hypnosis skills to superpower skills
Instant inductions, fast deepeners
For entertainers & therapists
How to entertain using your hypnotic powers
How to use this skills to get more cliënts for hypnotherapy

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Best Practices of Dave Elman - Triple your depth
to Aug 23

Best Practices of Dave Elman - Triple your depth

  • Merewether Wellness Centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Best Practices of Dave Elman

Triple your depth with the Elman’s, Dave, Larry and Cheryl Elman

This is an opportunity to meet and study with the son of one of the worlds most known personas when it comes to hypnosis. H Larry Elman studied alongside the physician and dentists who attended Dave Elman's Medical Hypnosis Course. This course will have clips from the vaults of Dave, with input from Larry and Cheryl Elman.

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The Simpson Protocol Advanced 2 day Seminar Newcastle
to May 28

The Simpson Protocol Advanced 2 day Seminar Newcastle

  • Branches of Healing (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

A special training event for Australian Ines Simpson is coming out from Canada to train her fantastic Simpson Protocol.

This two-day seminar is intended to help Hypnotists learn how to attain and interact with the subconscious and Super conscious minds while in the Esdaile level (Hypnotic Coma) and beyond, and be able to use The Simpson Protocol the very next day in their own practice.

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The Simpson Protocol 2 day Seminar Newcastle
to May 26

The Simpson Protocol 2 day Seminar Newcastle

  • Branches of Healing (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

A special training event for Australian Ines Simpson is coming out from Canada to train her fantastic Simpson Protocol.

This two-day seminar is intended to help Hypnotists learn how to attain and interact with the subconscious and Super conscious minds while in the Esdaile level (Hypnotic Coma) and beyond, and be able to use The Simpson Protocol the very next day in their own practice.

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The Broken Heart Cure
1:00 PM13:00

The Broken Heart Cure

Imagine how wonderful it would be if there were a quick, and easy way to help clients recover from all the pain and sadness that often comes after the breakup of a relationship. If only there were some technique we could apply that would allow our clients to move on, and even pave the way for a new relationship to blossom.
Beryl’s vast experience in dealing with her international clients’ heart breaks has allowed her to fine tune an effective protocol, combining strategies from NLP and Hypnosis; to successfully release people from the pain of loss and rejection, and leaving them free to build a bright, positive future for themselves. This powerfully, profound technique has helped so many to recover, not only from the pain suffered from romantic relationships, but also from hurts caused by friends, children or relatives, and even the loss of a pet, job, limb or a home to name a few.

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Emotional Intelligence with Beryl Comar
to Mar 31

Emotional Intelligence with Beryl Comar

  • Branches of Healing (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Become Certified to train Emotional Intelligence in organizations.
Understand the Emotional Intelligence Revolution in business and learn how to present world class EQ presentations and assessments to corporations.
Learn how to take the skills you already have as a hypnotist to this HOT new expanding field of EQ, and a wider, wealthier audience who want to understand and improve their competitive edge.
A two day practical workshop that gives you the vocabulary, tools and vision for accelerating change in three levels: organizational, relationship, and individual. Get in now before someone else pips you to the post.

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Hypnodontics - Dental hypnosis workkshop
to Mar 29

Hypnodontics - Dental hypnosis workkshop

  • Branches of Healing (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Training direct from Beryl Comar first time in NSW all the way from Dubai

Medical professionals are becoming interested in the mind/body connection, particularly as it relates to healing and pain management. Side effects and immunities to pain medications make it difficult to treat patients with pharmaceuticals. Hypnosis is making a resurgence in medical protocol.

Dentists are the most open to HypnoDontics and they are looking for you. This is a unique opportunity to train with the world renowned Hypnosis expert and author of “HypnoDontics: A Manual for Dentists and Hypnotists”.

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The Simpson Protocol 2 day Seminar Sydney
to Dec 2

The Simpson Protocol 2 day Seminar Sydney

A special training event for Australian Ines Simpson is coming out from Canada to train her fantastic Simpson Protocol.

This two-day seminar is intended to help Hypnotists learn how to attain and interact with the subconscious and Super conscious minds while in the Esdaile level (Hypnotic Coma) and beyond, and be able to use The Simpson Protocol the very next day in their own practice.

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Bob Burns: Hypnosis, the swan, lucid dreaming, spiritual healing and more!
to Nov 11

Bob Burns: Hypnosis, the swan, lucid dreaming, spiritual healing and more!

  • branches of healing (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

For the first time in Newcastle, Bob Burns! 
You've all heard me talk about Bob, or seen me use the swan. So I'm bringing him out from Scotland again for his only Aussie workshop this year, and we're making it bigger and better! Bob is going to show us all some of his Spiritual healing techniques and how to use them. This isn't something he's shared before and will be fantastic!

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