Intro to the class
While waiting for everyone to arrive Bob demo’s ‘The Card’
The Swan
The video Bob mentioned
Pre-Practice and First Swan Demo
After the first Practice
Direct voice with a Self Swan?
Nandu Ka Ru - The Three Brains
The wall - parts 1 - 5
Day Two
Q and A - Spiritual vs. Analytical
The Wall - Part 6 The 3 Elements
The Wall - Part 7 Response Tests
The Wall - Part 8 - Hypnotise
The Wall Demo
The Wall parts 9 Relax, 10 Release and 11 Address the issue
The Wall Parts 12 Bubble 13 Blow away and 14 Confirmation
The Wall - Parts 15 Explain Sessions and 16 notes
Colour Protocol
Pre-Practice for direct voice and a Q and A
Bonus: Therapy Bob talked about in class where Felix was cured of a cat allergy instantly to be able to stay for mentoring with Bob and the cat hair all over Felix’s bedroom for the stay
Post Practice of Direct voice
Hayden - Lucid Dreaming
Enthuseasmos and the card
The Two Bad Boys
The Swan Writes
Day 3 - More on Lucid Dreaming
Talks to Groups
Therapeutic uses of swan
Post Practice
Q and A
Q and A
Lucid Dreaming Q and A
Smoking cessation
Smoking Q and A
Final Q and A
Bonus Magic trick
Bonus: The first day started with a playlist of Bob singing some tunes